Large Modern Landscape Painting : How I Started Painting Large

I’m happy with how far I’ve come this year. Last year, I hadn’t really painted many large modern landscape paintings before—they intimidated me! What if I spent so much time and money and materials and space in my living room studio just to flop? I’d been there before. I’d spent hours and hours on a large painting and came back the next day to realize it was not very good at all.

BUT I love interior design and one of the best elements that ties a room together is a large piece of statement art—like a large modern landscape painting;) I wanted to give people a way to invest in a big beautiful painting that they loved that would bring the room together for years to come. I want it to be like a large window out to this wild landscape right outside. I also am hoping to work with a few more designers in the future. So I had this vision and then a few people asked for larger works so I figured I would try again.

I think with any good thing, there’s a lot of self doubt and negative self-talk that comes with it. Fighting through that was challenging but one thing that helped was just doing the next right thing. I would go to the art store and get just 1 large canvas and a few large tubes of paint. I realized one of the biggest things holding me back from painting large is how much paint I would use. It sounds kind of silly but I was scared to mix enough paint because I hate wasting and the oil paint is expensive. Just getting giant tubes (way more cost effective anyways) really helped me put enough paint down to mix and actually do the thing. Sometimes it’s just a series of small fears holding us back from what we want most.

These pieces came out naturally one by one, slowly collecting on every surface of my home. Some of them are based off photos from our family vacation to Montana this summer and some are from my walks around Asheville. One scene is even from the Black Mountain Golf Course which just goes to show that inspiration can come in the most random places. These pieces each hold special meaning for me as each one is so different and holds a different feel in its colors and tone. I invite you to connect with your own meaning.

“Sometimes it’s just a series of small fears holding us back from what we want most.”


Framing Art Prints